Our Projects

10 years of experience working in Liberia, and we keep on learning.

Some Of Our Previous Projects

Project: CAD-L (2022-Present)

Coordinated Action on Disability-Liberia (CAD-L): Persons with disabilities act as advocates and agents of change for an equitable and inclusive. 

Starting in 2022, the project aims to improve and change institutions and the general perspective of the society in Liberia about inclusion for Persons with Disabilities in development processes and acting as advocates and agents of change for an equitable and inclusive society. The program operates in 5 counties:  Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Lofa, and Bomi.

Liberia Monitors conducted a final evaluation in 2022. The methodological tools included developing an M&E plan and creating seven surveys for quantitative and qualitative data by using the Kobo Collect software. Furthermore, it organized training for the community workers (enumerators) in Liberia on conducting the surveys electronically with tablets. 

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Project: DASU (2018-2021)

Disability and Start-Up (DASU): Civil Society as Protagonist of Inclusive Development.

The project aimed to organized a range of activities to reinforce the role of People with Disabilities Organizations (DPOs) in the socio-economic development processes and in the fulfillment of People with Disabilities’ (PWD) rights in the following counties: Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Grand Gedeh. 

Liberia Monitors conducted the final evaluation in 2021. The methodological tools included quantitative surveys in Kobo Collect with beneficiaries and start-ups, focus group discussions, and qualitative interviews with DPOs and local stakeholders.  

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Project: PRCD (2017-2021)

Peacebuilding and Reconciliation through Community Dialogues (PRCD): Strengthening Social Cohesion and Civic Trust in Five Counties 

Between 2017 and 2021, the project aimed to strengthen conflict resolution and reconciliation initiatives in five counties: Montserrado, Margibi, Ganta, Nimba, and Lofa. In addition, the project had a strong focus across-cutting issues such as gender equity, social inclusion, and civic participation, it also aimed to create a more inclusive society, with a specific focus on the participation of women in the political process.

Liberia Monitors conducted the final evaluation in 2021. The methodological tools included performing desk research on Project Documentation, (re)design of Research Tools by creating surveys and organizing focus groups to get both quantitative and qualitative data, conducting the training of enumerators for field research, and realizing the data analysis and report writing.

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Project: Support to Early Warning and Early Response (2019-2021)

Support to Early Warning and Early Response: County Peace Committees and District Level Political Reconciliation Dialogues and Civic Engagement.

Since 2019, the project aims to identify and address several challenges Liberia is facing to sustain peace and reconciliation after the Civil War. The project’s activities goals is to contribute to an environment in which Liberians are better able to peacefully coexist in all 15 counties of the country.

Liberia Monitors conducted a midterm evaluation in 2020. The methodological tools included desk research on the project’s baseline study and on data available. Focus group discussions, qualitative interviews, and town hall meetings (with EWER volunteers and CPC members) and key informant interviews (with CSC members) were designed and conducted. 

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Project: Local Agriculture for Nutrition in Education (2018-2020)

Local Agriculture for Nutrition in Education Value and the Vocational Training & School Feeding Programs.

Between 2018 and 2020, the project aimed to improve school enrollment and attendance through a school feeding program that links seven schools in Margibi County and five regional agro-processors and 120 local farming households

Liberia Monitors conducted a final evaluation of both projects in 2020. The methodological tools included desk research of project documentation, Designing tools for gathering of quantitative and qualitative data with both Kobo Collect Surveys and Focus groups, organized and conducted the training for enumerators for field research, in addition to data analysis and report writing.  

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Project: Cassava Value Chain Development Project (2013-2016)

In coordination with ZOA and ADRA, Liberiamonitors have been involved in monitoring and evaluating the Cassava Value Chain Development project, an EU-funded project that links various stakeholders in the cassava value chain in Liberia, including farmers’ processors, entrepreneurs, and government institutions. Since 2013, our activities have involved consultancy on project design, the development of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including GIS mapping, and regular monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Thanks to this project, Liberia Monitors’ local staff has had the opportunity to develop their skills by working with a cloud-based survey application (ODK collect), as well as the learning the basics of online survey design in Kobo Toolbox, a software used to create surveys in the development sector.

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And we keep on learning!

For more information about some of our M&E Projects or if your organization is interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us!